東京, 竪川の顔のないアパートで、アメリカ人の女性は、日本人の減少する出生率についてのインタビューを翻訳するために日本人女性を雇う。

1957年ニューヨーク生まれ。コーネル大学(Cornell University)で、歴史とコンセプチュアルアートを勉強した。写真家としてキャリアをスタートし、書籍制作に移行。それから、ムービングイメージに落ち着いた。卒業後、広範囲に渡った映画とビデオの編集の仕事をした。商業映画とテレビの彼女の経験は、彼女の初期のコンセプチュアルアートと構造主義の絡み合いと同様に、映画とテレビの文法の形式的な曲がりを通して、世界について彼女に話させる。
Shelly Silver
Shelly Silver is a New York based artist working with the still and moving image. Her work explores contested territories between public and private, narrative and documentary, and–increasingly in recent years–the watcher and the watched. She has exhibited worldwide, including at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Tate Modern, Centre Georges Pompidou, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the Yokohama Museum, the London ICA, and the London, the Singapore, New York, Moscow, and Berlin Film Festivals. Silver has received fellowships and grants from organizations such as the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the NEA, NYSCA, NYFA, the Jerome Foundation, the Japan Foundation and Anonymous was a Woman. Her films have been broadcast by BBC/England, PBS/USA, Arte/Germany, France, Planete/Europe, RTE/Ireland, SWR/Germany, and Atenor/Spain, among others, and she has been a fellow at the DAAD Artists Program in Berlin, the Japan/US Artist Program in Tokyo, Cité des Arts in Paris, and at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Silver is Associate Professor and Director of Moving Image, Visual Arts Program, School of the Arts, Columbia University.