
ラダック それぞれの物語



Filmmaker: Okuma Katsuya

Year of production : 2015 Country : India, Japan Length : 40 Minutes



沖縄生まれ。琉球大学で文学を学んだのち上京。2011年、沖縄を舞台に制作した中編映画『ギフト』がニヨン国際映画祭(Visions du Reel:スイス)など国内外で上映。インド・ヒマラヤ山脈の麓の村に2週間滞在して制作した『ラダック それぞれの物語』が山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭2015年で奨励賞。

Born in Naha, Okinawa, in 1984, Okuma Katsuya has directed two independent works so far. He was also assistant director on the Okinawan sequence of Yamamoto Masashi’s Three Points and is involved in a magazine called las barcas, founded by young artists and critics in Okinawa. Gift was produced for and screened at “Okinawa Art Action,” organized by an NPO Society in support of Okinawa Prefectural Art Museum in March 2011.